Take Action Today: A Call to Faith and Obedience

This is Elder Joseph Watson, and I am grateful to join you for another Warrior Wednesday Bible study. Today, I want to talk about an important topic—taking action. Sometimes we go through challenging times during the week, but I’m thankful for the messages we receive on Sunday and throughout the week. These messages remind us of God’s testimonies, laws, and ways that guide us. God’s ways are perfect and meant to lead us forward.

Are You Taking Action with Jesus?

We must ask ourselves: What are we doing with what God has given us? Do we believe we are destined to win and wear the crown of victory? Life often brings pressures, but when we walk with Jesus, He carries us through those tough times. Just like the disciples who followed Jesus, witnessing His teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection, they knew He would return, and so should we.

The disciples were instructed to spread the gospel to all nations, and we too must claim this mission. Do you claim Jesus today? Are you living in a way that reflects your belief in His return?

Romans 13: Salvation is Nearer Than Before

In Romans 13:11, we are reminded that salvation is nearer now than ever. The time to wake up and act is now. The disciples believed Jesus would return shortly after His ascension, but now, His return is even closer. The night is nearly over, and the day is at hand. It’s time to cast off the works of darkness and walk in the light of God’s truth.

To claim victory, we must walk honestly and truthfully. How can we claim victory if we aren’t honest with ourselves? We need to take action today, knowing that God’s salvation and righteousness are everlasting.

Isaiah 51: Remember Where You Came From

In Isaiah 51, God reminds the children of Israel to look to their past—to remember where they came from. We are reminded to do the same. When we first came to faith, we were filled with joy, claiming victory after victory. Now, we must continue to walk in that righteousness, knowing that God’s salvation is nearer than ever before. Just as God blessed Abraham and increased him, He will also bless us if we remain faithful and take action.

Taking Action in Faith

Hebrews 11 reminds us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It was through faith that Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, and it was through faith that Enoch pleased God and was taken to heaven without seeing death. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. But if we diligently seek Him, He will reward us.

Taking action today means living out our faith—putting it into practice in our daily lives. When we act in faith, we claim God’s promises and move forward, trusting that He will lead us.

Stand Firm in God’s Promises

In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat faced a great battle, but God told him that the battle was not his, but the Lord’s. Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast and sought the Lord’s guidance. God instructed him and his people to stand firm and watch His salvation. They didn’t need to fight; they just needed to trust in God. By taking action and seeking the Lord, they saw a great victory.

Submit to God and Resist the Devil

James 4:7 teaches us to submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from us. Drawing near to God requires humbling ourselves, cleansing our hearts, and seeking His will. When we do this, God promises to lift us up and give us the strength to stand firm in our faith.

Claim Your Victory Today

Taking action today means living a life of faith, obedience, and trust in God’s promises. We can’t be passive in our walk with Christ. Now is the time to take action, to claim the salvation God has provided, and to live in His righteousness. God’s salvation is everlasting, and when we claim it today, we walk in His light and truth.

I encourage you to reflect on what you are doing today for God. It’s not about what we’ve done in the past but about the actions we take now. Claim God’s promises, walk in His truth, and live a life that reflects His righteousness. Let’s take action today and live out our faith daily.

God bless you, and may you find strength and peace as you walk with Him.



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