Light of God: Embracing the True Source of Life

Good evening, I’m Elder Joseph Watson, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to another Warrior Wednesday with Band of Warriors for Christ. Tonight, we are diving into a question I’ve been asked numerous times: “How do I stay in the light?”

We all face moments when the light of God might seem distant or dim in our lives. But in those times, it’s crucial to understand what the light is, who the light is, and how we can remain in it.

What Is the Light?

The Bible tells us that the light came into the world when God created the heavens and the earth. In Genesis 1:1-5, God said, “Let there be light,” and it was good. From the very beginning, light separated itself from darkness, symbolizing not only physical brightness but also spiritual clarity and truth.

The light isn’t just something external; it’s a reflection of God’s essence, bringing order where there’s chaos and hope where there’s despair. John 1:1-5 reinforces this, saying, “In him was life, and the life was the light of men.” God has given us the gift of light, not only to illuminate our path but to guide our souls toward Him.

Who Is the Light?

God gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, who is described as the true light. In John 1:9, it says, “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” Jesus is that light, and without Him, darkness dominates. This isn’t just about the physical absence of light, but about spiritual blindness and separation from God.

John 8:12 quotes Jesus, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” As long as we remain in Jesus, darkness has no place in our lives.

Staying in the Light

Now, how do we stay in the light? We need to be conscious that this light comes from Christ, and staying in it means living a life dedicated to His teachings. Matthew 5:14-16 encourages us to let our light shine before others. It’s not enough to bask in the light ourselves; we must share it. When we walk into a dark room and turn on the light, the darkness flees. That’s how powerful the light of Christ is—it pushes away every form of darkness, both within us and around us.

Jesus expects us to carry this light wherever we go, shining His truth in a world clouded with darkness. Our lives, actions, and words should reflect His presence so that others might see and glorify God.

Challenges in Keeping the Light Alive

It’s not always easy. The world can often be a “crooked and perverse” place, as Philippians 2:15 describes it. But even in the face of trials, Paul encourages us to “shine as lights in the world.” The closer we are to God, the brighter our light becomes, casting out any darkness that tries to take hold.

Maintaining this light requires consistent prayer, reading the Word of God, and surrounding ourselves with fellow believers. We are called to walk in the light, pushing aside anything that seeks to cloud our spirit. If we allow any form of darkness—whether it be sin, doubt, or fear—into our lives, it can dim the light. That’s why it’s crucial to work out our salvation daily, with fear and trembling.

I encourage you to reflect on your life today. Are there areas where darkness has crept in? Turn to Jesus, the true light, and let His presence cast away all shadows. Stay in prayer, immerse yourself in God’s Word, and let His light shine brightly through you.

If you ever have questions or need guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can continue to walk in the light and be true warriors for Christ. God bless you all!



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