Your Faith Not Working Is Dead

January 12, 2025

Series: Sunday Sermons

Topic: Faith

Pastor Lantis focuses on the theme “Faith Without Works is Dead,” using the story of Abraham as a foundation. He encourages believers to move beyond passive participation in worship and embrace active faith and commitment. Pastor Lantis critiques modern worship practices that prioritize comfort over genuine worship, urging listeners to create spaces that foster true connection with God.

Key Points:

  • Worship is not about passive observation but active participation.
  • Faith requires consistent action, even in challenging circumstances.
  • Abraham’s journey of faith demonstrates perseverance, trust, and eventual obedience to God.

Verses Mentioned:

  • Genesis 12:1-4 – God’s initial call to Abraham to leave his homeland.
  • Genesis 15:7 – God’s promise to give Abraham’s descendants the land of Canaan.
  • Genesis 15:8 – Abraham’s question about the certainty of God’s promise.
  • Genesis 18:10-15 – God’s promise of a son to Abraham and Sarah despite their old age.
  • Genesis 22:1-14 – The testing of Abraham’s faith through the command to sacrifice Isaac.
  • Isaiah 51:2 – Reflection on Abraham’s faith and example.
  • Hebrews 13:2 – Mention of entertaining angels, linking to Abraham’s encounter.


Pastor Lantis challenges believers to deepen their faith by moving past routines, embracing discomfort, and living out their commitment to God daily. He uses Abraham’s story to illustrate the importance of trusting God’s plan, even when the path is unclear.